Sunday, August 31, 2008

Paladin vs. Illidan, Now On YouTube!

Ridiculously sped-up footage? Check.

Pretentious guitar-centric metal song? Check.

Snarky subtitles? Check.

I've made my first WoW video!

The footage I got was tiny, jerky, and blurred to heck, so I wasn't able to do anything fancy with it. I'm considering doing more of a "how-to" video when I can get better footage on my own computer...but then again, with Wrath coming so soon, how-to videos aren't really going to be useful for much longer. Guess we'll see how motivated I feel when I manage to get better footage.


meenstreek said...

Big grats on the tanking and downing of Illidan!

As a fellow tankadin working his way diligently through t6 content, let me be the first to say sheepbreaker you do us all proud.

Righteous Fury all day every day.

Unknown said...

Side note: What is that lovely HUD to the left of center on your screen?

P.S.: Wouldn't mind a post on what add ons you recommend to go with that gear list you have.

sheepbreaker said...

Thanks, meenstreek! Always glad to hear from another holy meatshield.

shadus: If you're referring to the rapidly-scrolling green and yellow text, that's Scrolling Combat Text. If you mean the bars to the left of that, it's PerfectRaid. I'll try to talk a little more about gear and addons soon.

Unknown said...

*pounds on SCT with a large hammer until it almost looks like that*

Huh. So this things got options? Why am I always the last to know?

Porrtrollet said...


Dann Smith said...

incredible,a massive grats.
I'm glad to see that it IS actually possible with a Paladin MT!

Wish my guild would let me tank Illidan. ^^ Hopefuly boss tanking should be more common for us in WotLK.